Psychic Services by Frank Michel

          +1 (757) 453-7622
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Let's pray together . . . .
Prayer List for Loved Ones
     We pray for those in transition, with health crises, in shifting relationships, and moving into spirit. 
     May our prayers bring our loved ones safely to the desired outcome we pray for, and may we be comforted during our journey together.
 Peaceful transition into spirit for Rose Ayan Michel,                    September 1st, 1926, to
 October 31st, 2011.  Dynamic personality, healer, and mom -- we pray for your soul's
 safe passage.  Thank you for your generous spirit, quick wit, unrestrained love, and
 kindness to others.  We will miss your wisdom and guidance.  [Frank Michel 11-1-11]
 Prayers for Annette Meshejian Blanco, May 5th, 1947, to December 21st, 2012.  A  dynamic woman, fun personality, and devoted mother/grandmother.  You are forever  in our hearts.  [Frank Michel, Elena Blanco, and Spiky 5-2-16]

 © 2011-2024 Psychic Services by Frank Michel, All Rights Reserved.      POB 10111, Virginia Beach, VA 23450-0111
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Quote Posters for Contemplation

Quote Posters for Contemplation and Spiritual Development
(posters added daily)
​and Spiritual Development
Thanksgiving brings family and friends to the table 
for food, football, and fellowship.
Feast on fish and fowl and feelings of gratitude.
Freedom is not free. It is earned by the sacrifices of many.
In recognition of the selfless service of 
16 million American service members in World War II.
Thank you for preserving freedom.
~ National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day ~ 
December 7, 2015
Diversity rocks! Conformity sucks.
Respect everyone's uniqueness.
Make this Christmas a special day for children of all ages.
Give from the heart.
Todd Schroeder -
man, music, maestro, master of the 88.
~ under the pork pie hat ~
Forgiveness creates peace of mind, a clear path,
and a new beginning without regret.


     We pray for the highest good of our loved ones and those in need, who are searching, or in difficult circumstances, as well as our pets and animal friends, the environment, and Mother Earth. 
     We put them in the white light of protection and affirm positive change and outcome. 
     We pray for peace, prosperity, and inclusiveness since we are all one human family.  We celebrate our differences as we acknowledge our similarities.  We are all connected in a human tapestry of love. So be it.

     Rose Ayan Michel,* Annette Meshejian Blanco,* Manuel Blanco,* Elena Blanco Meshejian, Spiky, Martin Meshejian,* Mary Meshejian,* Dikran Meshejian,* Frank Michel, Sr., Deborah Brady, Chuck D'Ambrosia, Luci Lothrop, Dina De Filippis Tiberio, Gaetano Vultaggio, Graziella Vultaggio, Joan Grasser, Gerphil Flores, Gunhild Carling, Gloria Kelpien, Eleanor Brooks, Thomas Arleon Kinsley,* Sarah S., Justin Coulter,* Brian Collins, Carl Anderson, Sinead O'Connor, Eleanor Motichka, Lenore Gallup,* Jonathan Alvarado, Hans "Cooling" Carling,* Sonia Lafont,* Patrice Lafont, Casey Breves, Peter Boogaard, Jack Stearns, Jeffrey Lee Wolf,* Lisa Milliner Wolf, Yver Sorrod McDuffie, Las Vegas victims*/survivors, Carol Trout, Louise Lathrop, Laurel Bryant, Micaela Shay Johnson, John M. Turner,* Frank Sharpless,* Archer Sharpless, Sutherland Springs, TX, victims*/survivors, Chris Van Cleave, Lisa G., Pierre Encarnacion,* Myra Holt, Bonnie Christensen, Joyce Kinsley, Tom Kinsley, Stuart Dean,* Benton, KY, victims*/survivors, Parkland, FL, victims*/survivors, Iris Landrau Encarnacion, and Frank Michel, Jr.

Quote Posters for Services and Networking

Mani-Pedi, Facial, Massage, Wax, Detox Wrap,
Makeup Consultation, and Beauty Party by Appt. 
Environmentally Friendly, Vegan, and Cruelty-Free Products
Avenida Papa Negro 107, Madrid, Spain
+34 910 51 69 60,
Adversity is one thing after another.
Stay focused and optimistic to get through the onslaught.
Adversity will not defeat you.
Just don't give up.
Adversity is no obstacle.
You handle whatever comes your way.
Adversity is a temporary inconvenience,
not a permanent roadblock.
Adversity is the big wave in the ocean of life.
It takes you to dark places against your will
to explore the depths of your soul.
Collaboration means you're not alone.
Collaboration is never a party of one.
Choose your partner wisely.
Collaboration leads to mutual understanding and respect.
Collaboration connects you immediately
to another soul.
Collaboration creates an intimate connection
and a multidimensional perspective.
Compassion strikes the heart without warning.
Compassion brings two souls together 
even for a brief period of time.
Compassion creates karma.
Good karma.
Compassionate people are happy people.
It's a shared experience.
Compassion fills your heart till it overflows with love.
Keep it coming.
Diversity is a universal norm.
Diversity brings out the rainbow.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
Diversity is a many splendored thing.
Diversity is the opposite of conformity.
Just a variation on a theme.
Forgiveness is not a failure, 
but a triumph of the heart.
Forgiveness leads to freedom of the soul. 
Forgive freely.
Forgiveness is not an act that must be repeated.
One time is all it takes to have a lasting impact.
Forgiveness begins with me and ends with you.
Forgiveness breaks the chains of emotional bondage.
Free yourself now.
Live a life of integrity. 
It's so easy.
Integrity means no regrets now, 
in hindsight, or in the future.
Integrity motivates you to be your best.
So do confidence and pride.
Integrity is not an abstract concept,
but a lifestyle and mindset.
Integrity creates harmony in your life.
Orchestrate your thoughts and feelings
to create rightful action.
Kindness is not blindness.
Be mindful of others you encounter.
Kindness is the mortar between bricks.
It's stronger than words.
Kindness uplifts even the downtrodden.
Be kind today to make someone's day.
Kindness kills depression.
Make the emotional connection.
Kindness only takes a minute,
but its impact is powerful beyond words.
Spare the time to be kind.
Step into a world of compassion to make a difference in life.
Leadership is expected from each one of us. 
Get active in your community.
Demonstrate leadership
when following the pack is nothing but a herd mentality.
Leadership requires 
courage, communication, and compassion.
When the only direction is up.
Leadership stands the test of time.
It's now or never.
Love completes you.
Love is easy to understand. It just is.
Love conquers fear. Love more and fear less.
Love hurts sometimes, but it's worth it.
Love knows no boundaries when it's crossing continents.
Love is the light of the universe.
Love speaks in a whisper or a roar with the same intention.
Love is like lightning. It's electric and strikes 
without warning to light up your life.
~ LOVE ~
Love may be an uphill battle on the mountain of life,
but the view from the summit is breathtaking and worth
the climb. Don't give up on love.
Memorial Day is the time to honor all fallen heroes
who sacrificed their lives for a better world. 
Today we reflect on our history
and are humble enough to promote peace. 
We are all one family. Let's live in harmony.
On this 72nd anniversary of D-Day, 
we honor all those Allied soldiers who fought
during the epic Battle of Normandy,
including the thousands who lost their lives.
D-Day ~ June 6, 1944
Thank you for your commitment and service.
We are eternally grateful.
​Veterans deserve more than just one day of recognition.
They deserve a lifetime of thanks, hugs, and love from us.
 ~ Thank you for your service. ~
Behind every challenge is opportunity. Believe it to see it.
Lighten your load. Lose the losers.
Take time to smell the flowers. Beauty is everywhere.
Frank Michel - 
Psychic, medium, energy healer;
Writer, commentator, and quality-of-life advocate.
25-year experience; holistic/service-oriented
For your personal reading . . ., 1 (757) 428-4254
~ Jazz and Swing Music ~
Multi-Instrumentalist, Vocalist, Dancer, Bandleader,
and Fashion Icon, "The Swedish Sensation",,,

~ Serenity Prayer ~
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; 
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

 ~ Prayer of St. Francis ~
  Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace; 
  Where there is hatred, let me sow love; 
  Where there is injury, pardon; 
  Where there is doubt, faith; 
  Where there is despair, hope; 
  Where there is darkness, light; 
  And where there is sadness, joy. 
  O Divine Master,
  Grant that I may not so much seek
  To be consoled as to console; 
  To be understood, as to understand; 
  To be loved, as to love; 
  For it is in giving that we receive, 
  It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, 
  And it is in dying that we are born to
  Eternal Life. Amen.

~ Lord's Prayer ~
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.